11Mar 2021

Hi I’m Scott, I have been with Cope Safety Management since 1999, and became a Director in 2006. I am a Chartered Member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health and a Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health, so it is no surprise my interest is in finding ways to prevent or control how your work affects your safety, health and well-being. I spend much of my time helping to run and market our business, but also ensure I am on hand to provide advice, guidance and support to our team as well as our clients. I began my career as an Environmental Health Technician in the RAF, where I also met my partner.
- For a hobby I enjoy walking and taking photographs of aircraft, landscapes or my kids. It is much easier to photograph the first two, the kids are never still for long enough.
- My favourite car is my 1969 Triumph GT6 Mk1. She still has her looks and I cannot help but smile when revving that straight 6.
- My favourite animal is our cat, Pheobe. She has each of us in the house perfectly trained to suit her needs.
- My favourite holiday destination is Cyprus for its gorgeous weather, sun kissed beaches, interesting history, friendly people, sheftalia and KEO. What more do you need?
- My most embarrassing moment was waking up and remembering I had chosen our wedding reception to perform the Full Monty. Thankfully, for all concerned, this was long before smartphones.
- When I was at school I wanted to be a fast jet pilot (I still do!). Sadly, it was never meant to be. Health and safety was the next best thing.